Frequently Asked Questions


Yes! We ship world-wide. Delivery time varies between 1-2 weeks. Please check with your local customs laws to ensure delivery.

We try to be as eco friendly as possible. Please read about our Sustainability here.

Yes! We’ve had a lot of requests for variations of the products on our website. Here are a few ways to customize your products:

All our products can be made in every pattern. If you find e.g. a Sportsbra with a pattern that is not available for swimsuits, please drop us a line and we will do that for you. All leggings can also be turned in to in Capri Length.

Gender/Size – Any of our designs can be made to fit almost anyone. We show mainly clothes for women on our site, but all designs and patterns can be made for men, kids and youths. Contact us on

Occations – We would love to design special items for your wedding, christmas party, company kick off, or what ever event you are planning. Bride Swimsuit, Groom Rash Guard, Bridesmaids Leggings and Bra…. Contact us on and tell us about you dreams and wishes.